Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Best Obstacle Course Races To Choose From

By Leticia Jensen

The best obstacle course races vary in many ways just like human beings. Each of them has a peculiar personality which people may like or dislike. This being their nature, you have to select the one which will serve you best. This is to avoid the obstruction racing from what you insert inside. The following are some of the best decisions you can reach concerning it.

One of the best races is the Spartan and requires a lot of effort to compete. This one differs with a mile or sometimes full marathon because it needs total commitment. There are varieties of barriers which are motivated from the navy seals or American gladiator through training by Spartan and with this in mind, it assists them to prepare for barbed wires, fire or water victories.

There is a civilian military which is a combination one and it is a legacy from the armed forces. It involves the civilian and the military when they want to partake and must have all the requirements for one to compete and before they compete they will have to get through a certain challenge. Everyone participating in this race must be charged according to number of their representations that they perform into the 4 events of weight lifting.

If possible, one can take part in the Columbian buddy muddy ride and run series which works fine for partners. In this racing competition, one must start the race by taking ride on their mountain bike, and later run for 5 kilometers. There is a 50ft mud hole which is a test for one to conquer and the obstacles are there to give more fun to the participating partners because they will have to finish the line together.

The tough Mudder is one of the hardest challenge in the world but every taker must be ready to persevere it. This requires two people to finish it, you cannot do it by yourself but with your running mate. Several sections are involved although they are different from each other together with some clip barriers. This includes dumpsters filled with iced water to swim through and the live wires hanging lose.

Ideally the Warrior dash is ideal for those who want to make a try. It is a five kilometer muddy area and gives the runner the best after party. These are aimed at testing the participants mental and physical limits. The good news is that participants are allowed to skip some hurdles without being fined. However even after skipping, you will get a finishing medal.

If you please you can undertake the GORUCK challenges. This requires a team of around 30 people. The participants are required to wear overweight rucksacks. They are placed in different areas and lasts for 8 to 10 hours. The sergeant leads these people all through the drill exercise and help them through the mental and physical challenges.

One of another additional best game that one can take part in is called Rugged Maniac. This one involves different terrains and made of a blockage that helps to develop a better quality. The best thing about this race is that it includes both the male and female participants and it is a fun way of enjoying yourself.

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