Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How To Find The Right Medium Intensity Tower Lighting Installation Company

By Elizabeth Cox

Owning an electrical or telecommunication company comes with a big responsibility. For these companies, towers are needed. As the business owner, it is important that you know the rules of owning one to make sure you are not doing anything illegal and not breaking any rules. In this article you will understand tower rules and know how to find a good medium intensity tower lighting installation company.

Every federal aviation authority has tower lighting requirements. The requirements will be based on the height and type of tower. Adhering to these regulations is essential to the safety of aircraft. Medium intensity lighting and multiple low intensity red lights is required for towers that are 150 feet and above. The taller, the more required lights.

For the best of your company and to ensure that everything is done correctly, it would be wise for you to hire an installation company. The company is not only there to help you install lighting but to guide you through the process making sure your business is at best. You would want to hire only the best company, and to do that here are tips that you can follow.

Ask proposals. Beside seeking on the web to search for organizations which is the thing that you without a doubt are doing well presently, ask suggestions from individuals you know. Requesting suggestions is the simplest methodology for discovering great organizations. Ask from those people who are knowledgeable about this or have worked with the same company before.

Ensure they are knowledgeable with the lighting you required. Before you hire them, you need to ensure first that they really know how to work with projects like yours. Inquire to them and tell them what you needed from them. If you are a newbie and you have no idea yet, do not just look for an installation company, choose someone who can help you with anything about tower lighting.

Look for experience. Experience is an important aspect to think about when it comes to choosing an installation company. You would want to hire an experienced company that can do the work with ease and do best for your business. The more experienced, the more skilled they get, which is better.

Get a free site assessment. Before they will perform the work, they would have to visit your site first so that they can do a site assessment for them to know which obstruction light to use and how much this is going to cost you. Look for free assessments to save on money. This can be quite tricky since many companies today require payment for the assessment.

Check the products they are using. The installation company should be using high quality lights. Lights that could last for a long time. You do not want to keep on spending money every time the light will not work anymore. Not only will you have to keep on paying for light replacement but for installation as well, so always check if the light use is of high quality.

Insurance and warranty. The one you hire must have these, and do not hire if these are not present. A warranty can be used for repair and replacement while an insurance is when accidents will happen. With an insurance, you will be compensated for the amount of damages or not be held liable when an installer got into an accident during the work.

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