Thursday, February 23, 2012

Asian Civilizations Museum Singapore:What Do You Do When You Only Have 4 Days In Singapore?

By John Roney

If you love history, art and culture, Singapore has a lot to offer you. Singapore is proud of its history and has been able to preserve its history in the form of art and artifacts. Art and artifacts of historic significance have been preserved in the museums of the Singapore. To enjoy the visual treats provided by these museums you need to stay in Singapore. You will be amazed at the quality of accommodation provide by Singapore cheap hotels. They pamper you in style at the same time maintaining the highest standards of international hospitality.

Pick up a walking map from any of the Singapore visitors centres (if you haven't already done that when you touched down at the airport). Go for Singapore river walk which will take you about 40 mins to 3 hours depending on the route you choose. Hire a guide if necessary. Oh, don't forget to try the bumboat ride along the river for a view of the major Singapore riverside landmarks. After lunch, if you are still not too tired from the morning walk, head down to Orchard Road, Singapore famous shopping belt to get all the souvenir you need for your loved ones at home.

Don't forget to take frequent coffee or tea break during your shopping spree so that you will enjoy it more as shopping can be a very tiring activity. In the evening, dine or chill out at Boat Quay or Clark Quay or go for a free or paid concert at the Esplanade - theatre by the bay and enjoy the rest of the evening in a relax mood.

Republic of Singapore Asian Civilizations Museum Singapore/a> is spread over vast area and provides a visual history of the development of the air force in the island. As Singapore was one of the hotly contested areas in the Second World War, those interested in the history of the Second World War, will find it really entertaining and informative. Singapore art museum is one of the biggest art museums in the South East Asia. Located near many excellent Singapore hotel, it is housed in a restored classical building. Art work represented in the museum represents the genre of Singapore and Malay art. Art work at display in the museum is more than four thousand in number.

Singapore offers you numerous opportunities to indulge in many activities besides shopping and eating. Watching art and cultural artifacts at the museum in Singapore you will be touched by the passion of the artists. In a similar way service of the Singapore cheap hotels will leave a humble impression that will last for ever.

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