Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Modes Of Transport To Consider

By Byron Jonas

According to the US Census Bureau 61% of Americans can drive. That puts a lot of vehicles onto the road each year. It's no wonder than the last 50 years, annual mileage has tripled from 587 million miles to over 1.6 billion. Considering other modes of transport is therefore sensible and increasingly necessary.

Whether you live in a small town or a city, most forms of public transport are accessible. There are advantages and disadvantages to all modes of transport and there are monetary and environmental costs to consider. For both of these reasons public transport is becoming ever more popular.

People are traveling further today than ever before. In the US alone passenger car mileage has increased from 587 million miles a year in 1960 to 1.6 billion 50 years later. A lot of those miles are taken up by people getting to work but there are a lot of other options for commuters. Buses and trains cater for work by putting on more services at key times in the morning and again in the evening when people are traveling back home. Bus stops can be found in populated areas of all towns and cities and train stations can be found in all major cities and the larger towns.

Streetcars are another form of public transport. They were popular in Britain, Canada and America until the middle of the 20th century. Half a century ago the tracks were torn up or covered over but since the 1980s streetcars have experienced a resurgence in popularity throughout America. Places like Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco have rebuilt their streetcar systems to meet this demand.

In Europe they are called light railways or trams. In some parts of the continent they have remained popular since their inception. In Italian cities like Turin and Rome they have been running non-stop since the late 19th century, which is also the case in the Swedish city of Stockholm. And cities like London, Berlin and Athens have built new machines and tracks to meet the increased demand.

Streetcars are a cheap and environmentally friendly way of transportation. This is the same for trains and buses. Anyone concerned about their carbon footprint should use public transport where they can, but not all mode of public transportation make the same impact on our world. Trains have less impact than buses if the journey is 20 miles or less. This trip would produce 7 lbs of CO2 from a train but 13 lbs from a bus.

Personal transportation is in marked contrast to public. If it's a short journey, it will get you to the destination quicker because you go from door to door but the environmental impact is far greater. Using a bicycle is the most environmentally friendly way to go. It's a good way to get fitter although it's impractical for cold, wet or windy conditions.

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