Friday, November 17, 2017

What You Should Know About High Intensity Tower Lighting

By Steven Foster

Generally, tall structures that lack indications they exist poses a serious threat to aircrafts as well as the passengers in those aircrafts. Because of this, many people have lost their lives when choppers and aircrafts have hit such tall structures such as hills and mountains. Also, building and structures that are 200 feet high and above should have a signal to indicate the height in order for the pilot to be aware of the structure. However, such illumination can be obtained through high intensity tower lighting.

A tower is basically a structure that is tall and whose thickness is far much un-proportional to the height. People tend to confuse these structures with masts. However, masts have guy-wires that are used to support them. These structures are also distinguished from buildings because they are not built with habitable characteristics, they are not built for a living but for other functions. They may be made to indicate time using clocks.

They may be constructed for different reasons and to serve different purposes. For instance, they may be constructed to indicate time through fixing of a clock. Aerial cameras can also be fixed on top for surveillance and defensive security purposes.

They can also be used to transmit telecommunication signals and waves. Others can be constructed as adventure and tourist attraction sites. They can also be used on top of other buildings as lightning arrestors. Tower lighting is basically fixing of devices with illumination characteristic on the top of these tall structures, primarily to send information or signal which helps in avoiding collisions from bodies that are low flying.

These lights are found in two major styles. The red lamps are the most common form of lighting used. It normally follows a format of on and off in a sequence with at least three seconds interval. The cycle continues until they are switched off. The other form is the white xenon flashes and discharges. These white lamps have not yet become widely accepted but their demand is rising on a daily basis.

There are, however, other minor lighting options available. Such are the obstruction lights that usually have a constant illumination. The red beacons or the strobes often use incandescent filament bulbs that usually have a short lifespan. There are also medium and the high-intensity white strobes lights. The medium intensity strobes are used on 250 feet buildings and the high-intensity ones are used in 700 feet buildings.

The second major type is known as white-xenon discharge or flash. They are lamps whose popularity is still underway but constantly growing. Apart from these two major types, other minor types include, obstruction lights whose red illumination is constant, red strobes and beacons that function as a result of incandescent filaments as well as medium and high-intensity strobe lamps which in most cases produce white illumination.

Usually, there are benefits associated with these lamps. One, they offer signals to indicate the presence of tall structures thereby eliminating accidents and collisions cases. Also, by fixing these lamps, you comply with the aviation laws. As a result, you are not charged for noncompliance to the aviation laws.

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