Sunday, February 24, 2019

We Have A Discussion On Rafting Companies

By Harold Murray

What is there to look? Oh, not much, just the many many rafts that you could choose from for your next trip on a river with a bunch of your fun yet stupid friends? Seriously. Who here has not had any dumb decisions in their life just for the act of having fun? We all have been young and in college ones. We know what we are talking about. So maybe now that we are all adults, we should go from playing with rafts to staring a Rafting Company In Nepal.

What? It certainly sounds a lot better than whatever type of business some of you are thinking right now. And we have to stay relevant in terms of financial stabilities anyway so kindly do not judge us too much with our choice.

So your wife does not try to kill you for wasting all that money you had, even though she probably has no say in it considering that it was YOUR money that you earned and all she has been doing is staying at home looking pretty and spending by our hard earned money on stupid beauty products all the time.

But still, you know, to each their own. Except, not really because what the hell have you two been doing wasting all your money useless crap like that? Why not invest it on something so that at least you get something out of it in the end when something bad happens and all your money goes to waste?

No great businessman starts like that. You think Elon Musk became a CEO all because he thought to himself one day, Wow I feel like I want to go to Mars someday just because I feel like it? no, he had that idea at a young age and worked himself up and up until all the hard work and blood, sweat and tears finally paid off.

At least you are getting a work out instead of just sitting in your bed, wondering why there was a fish floating above you. And no, not actually sure if that is how it feels when you are high or on LSD. But recent watches on the anime Mob Psycho 100 would lead us to believe that it was the best representation of being high as a freaking kite. Is that the kind of adrenaline rush these dead people want?

Not dying would be nice. It beats dying itself and what would you be doing when you are dead? Nothing except being useless in a casket for all of the time. Unless you somehow found a way to revive back to life or to reincarnate on your own free will.

We have the same struggle because once you reach over twenty years old, things become a little difficult to deal with. But we can easily solve the problem of discontent or disassociation with a little bit of alcohol and maybe the occasional anime we see online.

It is a never ending battle within ourselves, the same way we have a problem with dying and not staying alive forever. Because while we are deathly afraid of death, we also refuse to live forever.

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