Friday, July 9, 2010

Animal Facts - Magnificent Frigate Bird

By Marina K. Villatoro

The frigate birds are a family of seabirds and are also called frigate pelicans. It can be found breeding along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and in the Corcovado National Park.

They are also sometimes called Man of War birds or Pirate birds. Females are black, but have a white breast and lower neck sides, a brown band on the wings and a blue eye ring. They have long wings, tails and bills and the males have a red gular pouch that is inflated during the breeding season to attract a mate.

The Magnificent Frigate Bird is 100 cm long with a 215 cm wingspan. They live an estimated of 30 years. Frigate birds are seasonally monogamous. This means that males will only mate with one female each season. They are also known for nesting in colonies. Due to the fact that these guys lack the ability to take off from water, they snatch prey from the ocean surface or beach using their long, hooked bills. They have been seen catching fish, baby turtles and similar items in this way. When it comes to feeding they will also rob other seabirds, using their speed and maneuverability to outrun and harass their victims.

Male Magnificent Frigate birds inflate their throat sacs during breeding season, clattering their bills, waving their heads back and forth, quivering their wings, and calling to females. After mating has passed females lay one or two white eggs. Both parents take turns feeding for the first three months but then only the mother feeds the young for another eight months. It takes so long to rear a chick that frigate birds cannot breed every year. It is typical to see juveniles as big as their parents waiting to be fed.

Some potential problems they have are: introduced predators and over-fishing. Populations appear to be declining, due mainly to human destruction of habitat for housing and resorts, and disturbance in colonies. But they are not endangered.

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