Monday, August 9, 2010

Check Out Kevin Smiths New Film, Cop Out

By Aurelia Coffey

Are you a huge Kevin Smith film? Are you skeptical of this film as it is his first film he did not write and is directing? Fear not, even though it is done by a major motion picture studio, it is a great film and still has that Kevin Smith flare that his fans know and love. Cop Out still has that special thing that makes his movies his own.

The movie pairs together two different actors that many would never suspect together. Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan, and their chemistry worked well together. They both play cops for New York City, and have an unusual method of working together. Paired with some very hilarious comedy, the two actors did a very good job with this film. In many scenes it looked as if Bruce Willis was trying to contain his laughter.

We already know that the actors are playing cops as the main characters of the movie. They are placed on suspension for not catching a criminal and during that pursuit causing a large neighborhood shootout. Being suspended for a month with out pay, Jimmy, Bruce Willis' character, is short of cash to pay for his only daughters wedding, and decides to sell a baseball card worth a lot of money. While he is taking that card to be looked at, he is then robbed by Sean William Scott's character, Dave. Sean William Scott is well known for his parts in the American Pie movies and he definitely keeps his comedy up in this movie as well.

And guess who else is in this one for all those di-hard Kevin Smith fans? Jason Lee, he plays the new husband to Jimmy's ex wife. Of course he plays the perfect scumbag as usual, tramping in where his nose does not belong, and offers to pay for the wedding and take credit for it, if Jimmy can not come up with the money.

After a series of twists and turns the two cops get involved in a major drug ring, and with out spoiling the entire movie you will have to see what happens next. With the great action and comedy, you will never guess the ending!

For those Kevin Smith followers, you can still see the typical Smith jokes and familiar tones in the movie. From the hilarious jokes of sexual nature, the way it was filmed and even the music chosen for the film, it has the same feel as all of his other cult classic films. And his reasoning for directing the film was classic, he felt that it was as if the two cops were married but not and it reminded him of Dante and Randal from his hit film Clerks.

It was originally released in the United States in February 26, 2010 and then in the United Kingdom in May 21, 2010. Before it came out on DVD, it had grossed about 53 million with a budget of only 37 million to work with. It is not a huge blockbuster, but one definitely worth your time viewing.

If you want to see something out of the ordinary, and a hilarious cop movie, seeing Cop Out is a must! It is currently out on DVD as well as on pay per view for many of the cable companies out there. It will be a great time spent for 107 minutes!

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