Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Hobby Gives Life New Purpose

By Adriana Noton

According to research, people who have interests outside of work are generally happier with their lives. They are sometimes healthier too as their hobby gives them a purpose outside of the need to earn a pay cheque. Most people are not lucky enough to be employed in occupations that are their major passion, hobbies can be a way to reclaim some direction outside of the workplace.

There are many benefits to developing a hobby. They can be mentally stimulating and can give people goals. Active hobbies might help improve fitness and they're a way to increase widen a social circle. Someone moving to a new city is often advised to join a club or society that is passionate about a particular hobby. These offer like minded people the chance to mix and share information.

A hobby offers the time and space to relax. Sporting hobbies such as golf, hiking or running allow people to get out into the fresh air. This has been shown to have real benefits for someone's mental health. Exercise increases endorphins in the body which help people to feel good, but activities that make you sweat are not the only one that produce that feeling.

When someone is completely involved in an activity with no concern for anything else, this leads to a mentally beneficial state that psychologists call flow. It's a state of complete absorption that generates feelings of well being. It can be positive for other areas of life as well.

Gardening has long been one of the most popular interests. It has so many aspects which people find enjoyable. It helps them get closer to nature, time is spent outdoors away from technology, it encourages a sense of nurture and develops patience. A beautiful garden can take many years to reach its potential, and this slow development is different from the instantaneous demands of a busy life. Vegetable growing has gained popularity as people discover that it's relatively easy to grow fresh vegetables even on a very small piece of land.

Craft activities fell out of favour in the second half of the twentieth century but that has started to change. More people have discovered that making gifts for their friends is a way to personalize giving. Websites have offered materials and and places to sell items that have been created. Scrapbooks, jewellery, soft toys, cushions and toiletries are all popular goods to make. Sometimes this is done socially in crafting groups.

Collecting and trading is a popular activity. Any number of goods can be collected, but usually they're items that display a degree of artistry and craftsmanship. Porcelain plates, toy cars, model trains, stamps, sporting souvenirs and autographs to name but a few all have their collectors. Collecting fairs are increasingly popular.

With the advent of digital technology it is easier than ever before to take high quality photographs. This has led to an explosion of interest that has resulted in new photography groups springing up. These might cover particular aspects of photography like landscape, portrait or fine art.

Hobbies are one of the joys of life. They can give people purpose, satisfaction and pleasure. They inspire people to learn new skills, make new friends and live more fulfilled lives. It's not for nothing that doctors frequently prescribe a new Diecast model cars hobby as the best way to become happier.

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