Sunday, January 13, 2019

An Brief Overview Of Hang Gliding North Carolina

By Stephen Watson

When looking to participate in recreational activities or sports, there are a number of options. In most cases, these activities take place on land or water. Whereas, those looking to go Hang Gliding North Carolina are looking to take flight on one of the first aeronautical pieces of equipment known to soar through the skies.

The first person to remove strings from a Kite while attached just to see if the contraption would take flight made a bold move. For, in the earliest days of the activity, there were no safety measures or guarantees. The delay with regards to these issues was most likely due to the lack of knowledge as to the working aspects of wings found on birds and flying insects.

The first controllable gliders were built in the 1890s by Otto Lillenthal. The gliders allowed Otto to soar off cliffs and ridges. Later, the work documented by Otto influenced other designers, thus making the creator of the glider one of the early and most influential pioneers in aviation. As with modern hang gliders, the first ones were controlled by weight shifts.

In 1904, Jan Lavezzari decided to build a double sail hang glider and took it for a successful ride. Jan had to use much stronger and tougher wings than others on past models. In doing so, Lavezzari successfully completed one of the most historic gliding flights in history by taking flight from Berck, France.

The most popular of all gliders is that of the biplane hang glider. For, the model was publicized in a number of magazines along with plans for building such aircraft. Then, once Octave Chante demonstrated these biplane gliders, popularity grew even more. Whereas, in 1904, an article by Carl S. Bates on hang gliding assisted builders of the past, present and most likely future by providing the instructions for building a biplane glider called VJ-11, a glider which is built on a triple axis with foot launch capability.

When it comes to modern day models, there are two types of material used on gliders. These include one made of woven polyester fabrics and one made of laminate based mixed materials as well as woven fabrics. Before taking flight, it is important to always check the sailcloths to assure there has been no damage to the material such as rips, holes or tears.

Laminated sail cloths along with polyester fibers are also used in some models to achieve the best performance. For, the laminate is better at keeping the shape of a sail. Whereas, the woven polyester cloth is made from a tightly woven weave made of smaller fibers which work to stabilize the process of impregnating polyester resin into the sailcloth.

As with sky diving, hang gliding can either be a sport or a recreational activity. Due to the feel of flying like a bird or airplane through the air, fewer people are into sky diving than gliding. In either case, it is important that those participating in either activity have the knowledge and understanding necessary to properly control gliders or, in the case of sky diving, launch parachutes.

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