Saturday, January 19, 2019

Some Key Information About Aircraft Turbine Oil

By Helen Snyder

Currently you are on this particular article right now because you are a plane owner or even an engineer tasked with aircraft maintenance of some sort. In addition, you also believe that prevention is better than cure and so you are a supporter also of preventive maintenance systems and practices. In relation to this therefore a key material in preventive maintenance systems for aircraft is the proper choice and use of aircraft turbine oil. Thus if you do want to know more about this key component, then do read on in this article for more information.

Engine health which in turn will translate to the overall air worthiness of aircraft, is guaranteed by routine maintenance protocols using high quality and high performance aircraft turbine oils. Currently two major oil brands exist which are well known for the production of these high performance oils, being Mobil and Aero Shell. It must be taken note of also that other brands do exist apart from these two that can just be as good or maybe even better.

Engines in airplanes are very similar to the ones found in automobiles as they do provide propulsion after combustion of fuel. The similarity between the two however ends there, as they differ quite a lot in terms of mechanical make up. Car engines achieve propulsion by the sue of piston power while aircraft engines do so by the use of turbines. These turbines achieve maximum revolution by extreme pressurized gases released by combustion of jet fuel.

Combustion for jet fuel will occur in an environment wherein high speed, high temperature and also high pressure will also occur. As such, a plane engine will require an engine oil that can adapt to this environment and conditions. The oil must also have good anti corrosion and anti wear properties on top of it having good thermal and oxidation properties.

When you are actively searching for turbine engine oil, you must get one that is suited to the kind of things your plane is being used for. That is one that is specific to your type of commercial operation. So much the better if you can also get an oil that has passed military standards and possesses military specifications. So definitely if it is good enough for the armed forces then it should be good enough for you.

If you you do not have problems with budget then you can go for a steady supply of OEM oils for your maintenance needs. OEM basically means original equipment manufacturer and it means that the engine maker of your plane also has oil which they themselves have also made. It is basically a specialty oil made specifically for that engine. In other words, if your plane engine is a Rolls Royce, then you will also buy oil made by Rolls Royce if they have manufactured as such.

As regards pricing it may also be good to compute Fr long term as well. Should you really do regular servicing with more than one or several units it may be more practical and cheaper to buy in bulk You must of course have ready bulk storage facilities as well as a supplier who can deliver to you on site so as to save you time and money.

In sum this article has shown some considerations for you to mull over when thinking about turbine oil. Do try to do research on all possible brands out there so you can have a more exhaustive base of knowledge. Remember to always have all bases covered when looking for information.

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