Monday, October 11, 2010

A Clockwork Orange Is An Interesting And Very Controversial Movie

By Mara Orr

Some movies are about love and romance, others are about heartbreak over failure with regards to success, A Clockwork Orange is about neither. For this film focuses on the violent acts of a futuristic gang led by a lad that goes by the name of Alex and his options later, once his actions became known. In addition, these crimes are brutally violent, especially for such a long running film.

However, one can find ways to escape the main issue on the screen relating to violence by focusing on one of the many colorful objects set in the backdrop in nearly every scene of the movie. Also, because sadly some of the criminal events in this film have become far more common since the nineteen seventies, even today many people find this movie a difficult choice, especially those having been victims of such crimes in the past.

As a matter of fact, sometimes individuals have asked if this movie has had an impact on the development and popularity of gangs. However, as Al Capone can attest, gangs were around long before A Clockwork Orange. So, while no is the most likely answer, this does not mean that other criminally minded individuals may not use the images and plot in a negative way with regards to such behavior.

However, if one follows the plot and stays with the movie, one can see a dramatic reversal in realities take place. In many cases, such incidents relate to the ideology behind Karma and the events we go through in life. These include events related to both past lives and present conditions. So, before watching this film, one may want to know there are themes of rape, murder, nudity, sexism and other violent imaging involved in the criminal acts which are blatant and visible to anyone watching. In addition, if one is watching the newest release which has been digitally enhanced, one may also want to realize that these graphic images come to life with better believability as well as color.

Still, this is one movie that most individuals must analyze for oneself with regards as to whether the main character Alex is a villain or victim. This is because while crimes he committed were horrendous, others have also intervened with his destiny by placing him in an experimental program, somewhat beyond his control. However, he did have a choice as to whether to serve the fourteen years jail time, or accept treatment, which most anyone would do if it means escaping jail to pay the price for crimes one has committed. Therefore, the answer to this question becomes more complicated over time and one each individual must answer for oneself.

As for Karma, as with any other ideology or religion today, there are many who believe and many who do not. For those that believe however, many see an extremely strong correlation between Karma and events in this film. However, when considering the effects of Karma, one may also want to consider that Karma can also provide great gifts to those who attempt a generous, good and gracious life as well as providing lessons to those who do not.

Also, while watching the film, individuals often see other ways in which Karma can work in ones life, based on both the actions Alex takes and the movie overall. Whether such Karma is related to blessings provided or lessons learned, is something each individual must decide for oneself. To this end, for those who believe in Karma, one must walk a very careful path with regards to involvement with others who may or may not also believe in such an ideology in order to remain on the path to enlightenment and avoid paying Karmic debt in the future.

So, as one can learn a great deal about life from the film A Clockwork Orange, it is definitely a film one may want to check out. However, one need be aware of the extreme violence and brutality before taking anyone under the age of seventeen, as this is a film which for its time created a great deal of controversy for many images reflected within the movie. Images which can often include extreme gang rape and bloody violence among other crimes which one may not want their children to see at any younger age, if then. For, while many love this movie, others believe it is a key to starting the wheel of violence and need be banned. Yet, it is a film that has been nominated for four academy awards and has won seven other awards. To this end, regardless of the themes, if one can handle the imagery and violent content of this film, a great deal of entertainment can still come from watching the movie, whether on DVD or on the big screen at a local theatre. However, as the DVD version has been digitally enhanced, the colors and imagery in the film are greatly enhanced over the original. Therefore, given the option, one may want to check out both versions and do a comparison to see which one, one likes the best before buying a copy.

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