Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Few Simple Tips On Jet Lag

By Francis Mitchell

Nowadays with long haul travel becoming more affordable and advertised many holiday makers are considering travelling between countries which previously maybe not on your travel plans. Most times your body will have jet lag if your flight is over say 6 or 7 hours long due to the time difference. Your body thinks that it is back in your home turf and not in your new destination.

By avoiding all the caffeine drinks and drinking mother natures water you will be hydrated and full of energy unlike caffeine drinks which will lower your energy levels to almost zero and make you feel tired and lethargic.

Long flights offer you various attractions like movies and a chance to catch up on the gossip with your friends. Flights which are around 12 hours long are probably too long for you to stay awake so why not try sleeping for a few hours as studies have shown that by trying to sleep even for a short while will help your body adjust. Avoid taking a sleeping pill if you can.

It is easy to fall asleep when you are jet lagged as your body just wants to catch up on sleep. Develop an exercise routine which will stimulate your body and mind and keep you awake. By slowing adding exercise and sleep routine to your day you will be able to fight the jet lag quickly.

By completing an exercise routine of moving your arms and legs around and some gentle smoothing moves you will be able to take the benefit of keeping your body subtle and blood moving around your body each day.

We hope you enjoy all the tips and be sure to let us know how you plan to fit jet lag.

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